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Hey Dare

Well look at me. Obama has hooked up with the Fed KKK/Neo-Nazi's. The Patriot Act is the new excuse to bring back COINTELPRO.
I'm in deep shit as Obama just won't stop going after me.

They are trying to set me up as some kind of Jewish Terrorist. It's 24/7 mode. It's also Abu Grabib illegal Psycho torture.

What's the connection between me and Obama. He's destroying the country and using me as some kind of decoy/patsy but it was started by Bushies.

Basically Obama is taking out 500 years of revenge on me.

Who knew Rush Limbaugh was RIGHT about Obama?

I am not a terrorist or pervert. I like CFNM which they think is gay.

Only closet fags care about homosexuality

Bye for now. They are still fighting the Civil War!

Ron windcruzer AKA Mr. Casual.

I guess the shovel ready projects weren't shovel ready.

New World Order?
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