A tale of 2 Tailwalkers

"Well what have I gotten myself into. I am suspended naked in a building full of crazy horny women. I can't move and their hands are all over me. Even before I agreed to small vibe #1 via Janey over 20 ladies had stuck their finger in my asshole. Whoa! My dick and balls are getting raw by the constant touching. Some of these girls are way to rough with my junk. This one young girl held my cock and balls for 15 minutes. I felt like an orange being tested for ripeness. Janey tells me that my husband's penis is very pretty
The small vibe was very powerful and loud. Sue held my hard cock will Janey eased it in. It felt weird. At least dildo 2 and 3 weren't vibes. Janey came back carrying my tail. I got hard again just seeing her. Are you ready love? I almost couldn't answer I was breathing so hard. OK this will be fun I insure you. I'm going to lower you and have you turn over. You new cock will slid in easier in this position. It felt good to be let out of traction. Sue please hold his balls. Someone else hold his penis. OK take a deep breath. As I take a breathe my ass checks are spread wide by unknown hands. I can feel it touching my hole. Oh god Oh god. Here we go. Janey applies pressure and I feel my tail starting to slide in. I have lube dripping unto the back of my legs. Before I know it Janey says to stand up so I can see if your tail will stay in on it's own. What? We'll help you. The girls have to hold me up I'm so weak. How does that feel. I don't know what to say to that. Grab my shoulders and lets take a few steps. My tail slips out. The girls all get a big kick out of that. After washing my tail Janey wants to try again. I get back on the table on all fours. I think I'll hold his cock and let you Sue slip his tail in. Thank you. I'm going to be the tail controller so I better know how. Once it is in turn it and move it and it will finally settle in. OK I think I've got it. Let's step back and take a look. He looks so fuckin hot. OK let's take his first walk. Janey whispers to me that I have a fabulos perfect penis. I'll go first then hand off to you Sue. Janey picks my cock up and stands directly behind me. Damn it if she isn't able to control my forward movements. She applies pressure and I find my self moving forward. She walks me to the restaurant. No no please. I'm helpless to stop her. The ladies clap as I enter the room. Every lady wanted to control me. My cock is so raw. My asshole is a whole other story. After about 10 minutes in the restaurant Janey tells Sue to grab the tail and let's head back. Sue obeys. Dr. Indica will want to see him. Yes of course. Why don't you take him to the Living Statue Room and leave him until you're ready to leave. Good Idea I really want to have some time to check out all the great humiliation activities around the complex.
I must have been in the Gallery for close to an hour. Boy his cock is red. He must be a pretty popular guy I heard said as they touched my cock. When Sue finally came for me she had Janey with her. Ready to go Sport? I guess. Janey took my tail and I knew the motion by now so I started to move forward. OK first we're going to take a tour of the complex. Everybody will know by the blue tail that today is the first day of the rest of your life. Dr. Indica spent way to much time examining how my tail fit. Being by the office and tour desk took a bit getting used to. I look over into an office and see myself on a TV. She looks out and smiles when our eyes met. She came out and walked me! We went into a few Pegging Classrooms. All the students couldn't believe how complacent I was. They all took turns walking me. They totally ignored the guys on all fours getting pegged. How embarrassing for them. I had a group of ladies who were following me to the Outdoor Platform. Once this class is over please come to the outdoor platform to watch this man lose his blue tail and pick his own color. I was walked thru the complex for another 10 minutes. Every women we met complemented Sue and told her how lucky she was. I started shaking out of fear as we approached the doors to the outside. I took a deep breathe and went outside. All eyes turned to me. There was a flashing sign announcing my arrival. Sue's husband is now being lead to the Platform by Janey one of our most experienced Gals. Did you ever try to climb up a flight of stairs while a sexy old lady was guiding you by a long dildo in your ass. I highly doubt it. Standing there naked in front of all those horny women was heaven for a CFNM fan like me. Too bad I have a big blue tail. Janey walks me around the stage commenting on how under control I am for a rookie. Doesn't he have the 2 best cocks ever? Smiles all around. As soon as all the classes end I will be give all you ladies what you are here for. 2 cock male masturbation. Janey grabs both my cocks and rests her head on my chest. I grow hard a stone. I might need some blue ball release if this goes on much longer I whisper to Janey. I told you not to worry. I will give you the most intense orgasm of your life. You won't ever forget your first time or me. Just a few more minutes. Here practice holding your tail. We'll get started when I return. Gee I never even thought about holding the cock myself. Women are telling me to take it in my mouth. I don't listen to them. I start to grow hard. Does that mean Janie is coming back? I love to fuck my Tail Walkers. I told your husband I was going to come fuck him. I hope you will join in. Sounds scrumptious. One man 2 with cocks
Yes it's Janey and she's changed her attitude. Oh god my sore cock. Janey has gloves on. She gently grabs my cock and takes my tail from my hand. Let's give them a short walk ending back in the middle of the stage. Janey guides me around the whole platform. The girls in the Lingerie Store really love this part. I think it's the Blue Tail Rookie thing. Damn the windows are full of female faces. Here we go. Janey leans her head into my chest and starts moving my tail in and out. All I see are beaming female faces. After about a minute she grabs my raw cock and asks Sue to kiss me. She moves both of my cocks in unison. Yes she's done this before. I lost track of time. The Security Gal started cupping my balls. Wow I don't want this to ever end. Twice I get close to shooting my load but Janey sensing that stops. Please Janey I don't think I can take anymore. He's asked to be allowed to come girls. What do you think? Make him suck his own tail first. Oh boy. Sue whispers that we have an appointment in an hour so release the hounds. OK Dear. With that Janey squeezes me even tighter. Her hair smells really clean. I have her two hands stroking my cock and blue tail. I can feel my mind change to I couldn't stop now if I wanted to. Catch his come Sue. I start thrusting my hips. Janey keeps her hands still and I'm fucking and stoking myself. I let out a very loud moan. Here it comes hon. My first squirt is so strong it goes past Sue's hands. It hits a lady on her boob. Yes they are that close. When somebody points this out to her she is tickled pink. What a great memory. She was called up on the platform to walk me!
Janey and Sue and the guard have to hold me up I'm that spent. Do you want to sit down and catch your breathe. Yes please. OK let me take your tail out. Turn it toward the front and bend over. Janey really worked my ass taking my tail out. She kept sliding it back in and saying stupid things like oops my mistake. I sit on a chair at the edge of the stage. These ladies can't keep their hands off my naked body. Sue let's go home. OK but let's stop by the store so you can pick out your tail. Ah do we have to? Unless you want to come back again. Which way did you say the store was. Sue picks out a 4 foot green tail for me. It's slightly bigger than the blue tail. The clerk says I must wear it out to my car. I can't believe it. How much more can one person take. I'll help you with the fitting if you need me. Thank you dear. Please bend over so I can fit your tail. Your husband has such tight abs. Doesn't he. Sue is a quick learner and has my new green tail plugged into my ass pretty quick. I'm glad I didn't want that young clerk helping. Follow the signs to the exit. Sue steps behind me and off we go. She looks so proud to be tail walking me out to my car. Is he new? I like his tail color. You seem to know how to walk him.
When we got to the garage the attendant says she likes to walk rookies and studs. Go ahead my dear. She walks me back outside to the courtyard. She gets the thumbs up from a security guard. You go girl. That brings a great big smile to her face. OK lets head to my desk and I'll give you your keys. Thank you darling.
On the way home Sue says she wants me to wear my tail until bedtime. OK hon. We get home and I get naked. I bring my tail to Sue who is seated at the dinner table. Do you want lube on the tip? Just a little. Sue lubes up my tail as I bend over. She slides it in like a pro. Model your green tail for me. Yes dear. Let's walk. Sue starts to guide me around the house. Let's go outside. What about the neighbors. Only the ladies are home now. I'm proud of you and want them to see you. But I have to live here Sue. shush
As we leave the sliders I can see the black hair of my neighbor across the fence. Sue walks me right up to the fence and starts talking with her. She has no idea I'm naked with a tail. I'm breathing like I just ran 5k. You seem pretty quiet tonight. I just nod my head. Why don't you come over for a beer. I've got something to show you. OK be there is 5 minutes. Sue walks me around the yard and finally into the house.
OK stand there in profile. I don't want you visible to the street but I want Jackie to see you when she looks past me. Ah Sue please I have to live here. Do as you're told. Jackie knocks on the door. OK over there. Sue opens the door. It takes Jackie a few seconds to notice me standing there with a limp dick and long green tail coming out of my ass. What fun, Tell me all about it. I left a note that I was over here. I hope my mom sees it and comes over. It's called Tail Walking. I can't describe the feeling of power it gives me. Do you want to try. Yes I want to be guiding him if my mom comes over. OK let's take him out back again. What do I do. Just hold and and you'll feel how to move him. After taking turns walking me around the yard Jackie says I think my mom is home. Hey mom please come over Sues. OK. Let's head back inside. When her mother knocks Sue yells to come on in. Hi, what the hell. What is this? It's called Tail Walking. Show me more. Jackie guides me back outside. Her mom is holding my tail too. Let me do it alone dear. Be careful. I know how to control a man hon. She's right. She has me running around. Please please walking only today. It's getting cold lets head inside. I had to stand there while we drank our beers. They laughed their ass off at me but couldn't keep their hands off my tail. Do you think you can come for us again so soon. I'll try if you want me to. Jackie why don't you start. What? ah ah ah Sue. Quiet you like Jackie. Yes but not for this. Please I would consider it a great honor if you allowed me to stroke you on the day you got your first tail. My cock is full of blisters from too much attention. Please just stoke the head. My shaft is too raw. Yes I noticed. How did that happen? Were you stroking yourself while getting fitted. No. On my face I want it on my face. Mom? Do it. I love head only handjobs anyway. Ask Sue. He does. Sue takes my tail and points it straight into the ground. Stay put, go Jackie. So I'm anchored to the carpet by my own weight while Jackie massages my mushroom head. You're good at this. My legs start to shake and bend driving my tail deeper. I stop my legs and get sweet relief. Oh it stings my eye. Go lay down on your stomach on the couch. I lie down with my tail high in the air. The girls can't keep their hands off it. Well I want to be home when Julie gets home. She turns 18 next month. Would you mind working a Birthday party for her. What do you mean? Come to her party with your luscious green tail. We'll see. Good bye and thank you Sue. I really enjoyed this and want to do it some more. Look at that tail standing so strong. I love it. Bye
You were a very good boy today. I am so proud of you. Come here and I'll take your tail out so you can relax. You've had a big day today. I've invited all the family women over this Sunday afternoon. My side of the family has no idea about me tail walking you. I want a back yard. If any one of them wants me to fuck you I will. I bet your sister does. I want a mom to walk you outside to a backyard full of horny women. I told Mona about it. She assures me nothing could keep her and her friends away. I want to put some miles on you and make the path very distinct for Winter. See the path? That's where we walk him when it's warm enough. Whew
I'm getting walked so much by Mona, Amy, Virgina and Gwyn that we're wearing a path in the backyard grass. I want to have a Rodeo. We could use our corral. It's not visible from the street. We need as many teams as possible. Let's try for 2 months. We all need to find men we can tail walk. I'm going for a football player. They'll do anything to be naked in front of me and Amy. We're out in horse country so Gwyn has taken to walking me on the roads at night. I run leaving my tail in her hand when I see headlights coming. What are you doing out here with a long green dildo in your hand Miss. Walking my husband. I shove this dildo up his behind and use it to walk him. I control him thru a dildo in his ass. This I gotta see. Hon come out it's safe. They want to see you. I walk up to the cop car covering my junk. Remove your hands sir we're all adults here. I only come out when she assures me it's females only in the car. It blew my mind when 2 lady cops walked me. It was very militaristic. I've got to tell all the other gals one said. A few days later there was a knock on the door. It was one of the cops with her daughters. I had been ordered to walk away from behind the door so whoever was there saw my naked body and tail. Yeah yeah yeah, can we come in? My youngest just turned 18 and she needed to see you. Thank you mommy. I didn't believe you so thank you. I love you.
We are trying to put on a tail walker rodeo next month. You should try to form a tail walker team. I'd try for a cop walker but they always cheat. Mom I want to suck his cock. Do you mind. Sue says go ahead he won't mind. Here grab your tail. I want to watch this. Damn if she didn't swallow my whole cock in one deep plunge. Wow that was something to see. Where did you learn that sweety? School.
It was the wettest most full of slobber blow job I ever had. It felt so good. Her mom took my tail away from me. I would love my girls to walk him if you don't mind. OK let's head out back. Mom guides me out back. I see her other daughter licking her lips. There is a knock on the door. It's Mona. What's a narc doing here. I hope she doesn't end things. That would suck. No she's here with her daughters. One just turned 18 yesterday. Mind if I come in. Sure we're out back walking him right now. Hello I walk him a few times a week. All my girlfriends mom and sisters have walked him too. Every hot guy I see I imagine that I'm tailwalking him. It's very addicting. Can we hang some weight off his balls. Of course dear. Mona works my tail in and out as Sue attempts to tie a rope and 5 lb weight to my nutsack. It won't stay on. I'm sure they make something to hang weigh from men's balls. I'll find out and buy it.
Mona and Amy bring friends over 3 or 4 times a week. I'm at their pool on the weekends. 100's of women have seen me and my tail. They all love it.
The FedEx girl got her mind blown when Sue opened the door with me right beside her with my tail in her hand. She started choking cause she swallowed down the wrong pipe. Now I'm sure they see naked guys come to the door before but none with a tail. Our female letter carrier has started using our house for bathroom breaks just to walk me. Sometimes a few other workers are with her. I wish I could be naked in front of all these ladies without the tail. I don't think that will ever happen. When I want to come quicker I always think of Janey. That woman really turns me on and I can't really explain it. Green goes good with my blonde hair. I wish I could go surfing with my tail. Maybe Baja. Mona wants to walk me in this years Bare to Breakers. I say no way we'll get arrested. What if all the Rodeo teams walk? I saw a nude man on a leash one year and the wife was taking pics of any girl that figured out she wanted to take their picture while her nude husband stood beside her. How about a smaller tail. Say a butt plug with red ribbons. Now I'd try that at home I say. I wonder if they make butt plugs that stay in? I'd love to go shopping and talk to female clerks with a butt plug. Oh man what is happening? We're all gonna wear our high school uniforms this Sunday.
Admit it ladies you went to Craigslist and searched Tailwalker Bob to see if I was nearby!
"My LAST post? If you think there are illegal cams in your house stop wearing pants whenever possible. Curtains closed; open robe like Trip Murphy! Geneva Convention. White Racist, KKK!" My computer is so infected it's not worth the effort to update! If you find yourself being tailed by store security from the moment you walk in the store Or the security follows you the the checkout. You are on the FBI Watchlist! Mr. Casual
"I've always felt superior to men. The reason is because they are bigger and more aggressive. I stroke that right out of them!" Indica Jones MD Don't forget to visit the Courtyard Ladies. It's the best FREE Show in town. Take the Sunset/Beach Bus.
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