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Our Naked Beach Boy Toy: Tři

Our Naked Beach Boy Toy: CFNM Beach; Paige Rene and Sarah convince Travis that it will be safe for him to beat off near the base of the cliff. Travis doesn't need that much convincing. (Travis dont need convincing) hmmm? The only person we saw while shooting this scene was a surf chick on top checking out the waves. Did she bail or watch? Yes girls naked surfers used to ride waves here. Check Blacks. This is the 2nd of the 3 beach CFNM scenes. Sano 2005* No alcohol allowed anymore! WHAT? "It's a freakin police state I tell ya" Rod Knee
San Onofre







Hey Now, the surfer girl walked down the trail of course, hid and watched when we went up against the cliff. She made sure I saw her. "You're Welcome" windcruzer. Why let such a great public sex opportunity go to waste. Rite girls......Ask Trip that CFNM maniac.
I've seen people fuck on the beach at Sano in dry creek beds with small crowds watching. Hell, the Marine wife from the other Sano scene was sucking Travis and casually touching my cock as the 3 of us got some sun after the shoot. Maybe that's why they shut Sano down. It was outlaw territory. Yep Travis' pill powered shaft was still rock solid 30 to 60 minutes later or longer.

"I always rub one out to rare cfnm-zone pix" Me, Myself and Ireene

"Cool Blog Brother" Guantanamo Grape So Dah

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