yeah right
Blame the victim!
Obama and Holder are so into Blackman's Revenge that the racist are taking advantage of them. Either that or they themselves are under the thumb of the Nazis. I did see Obama drag Michelle around in that ugly black and yellow dress. What's up?
I can not believe what's happening to America. We will become the laughing stock of the world for how quickly and easily we gave it all up!
I'm just obeying orders.
I'm just trying to provide/protect my family
Why are you picking on me?
Big Brother is inevitable some feds think.
Feds have all told me this along with countless other Americans.
Even though America has a horrible past and present for that matter. We all feel blessed to be Americans or live in this great country.
Most Americans just want to be left alone.
Believe it or not a few times a month I run into feds who think what they are doing to me is extremely funny.
ha ha ha ha ha
Every CFNM-ZONE pic on this blog was handpicked by me. Enjoy the View...
Obama and Holder are so into Blackman's Revenge that the racist are taking advantage of them. Either that or they themselves are under the thumb of the Nazis. I did see Obama drag Michelle around in that ugly black and yellow dress. What's up?
I can not believe what's happening to America. We will become the laughing stock of the world for how quickly and easily we gave it all up!
I'm just obeying orders.
I'm just trying to provide/protect my family
Why are you picking on me?
Big Brother is inevitable some feds think.
Feds have all told me this along with countless other Americans.
Even though America has a horrible past and present for that matter. We all feel blessed to be Americans or live in this great country.
Most Americans just want to be left alone.
Believe it or not a few times a month I run into feds who think what they are doing to me is extremely funny.
ha ha ha ha ha
Every CFNM-ZONE pic on this blog was handpicked by me. Enjoy the View...