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Jeepers Creepers

Can you imagine that I was so unworldly Spring break '67 I had never even heard of Marijuana till I was handed a joint by my older brother who had gotten turned on a couple of days before. I laughed almost like that dude in Reefer Madness for the first few weeks/months.

I long for the day when I can put up an email address to talk with my readers. Soon come...

Most of these tuff guys crack if you say in a whiny voice " why you picking on me"

On tonight's 5/8 Tuesday's NCIS: "watch out Gibbs he's fixated on you a woman screams." Good stuff and so current don't you think. I'm so freakin current sometimes. Why is that? I wish I knew.

I have the gift of guaranteed better more sensitive orgasms the day I get my freedom. Like today! I'll spill the beans I promise. Ask my friends. I give great personalized gifts.

Its elementary my dear Datson. I have great intuition, a good sense of humor and some psychic abilities. I appreciate women. They are so special. I did take them down from the pedestal. RELAX
No one believes in Karma more than me. Good Chi doesn't just happen it takes work._
Most pro photographers besides being people watchers are shall we say 'a little different. :) ' I've been a cab driver which is like being a rolling bartender. No booze but people say and do anything in the cab. Filming porn for 6 years is very educational. Believe me.
I've been going to nude beaches since I could drive. Is there anything more fun than nude volleyball with coeds from UCSC at Red, White and Blue beach or Sano. HELL NO.
I used to live in Davenport in Santa Cruz county which is within walking distance to Bonny Doon beach. I perfer Panther beach another mile south of Davenport for the great CFNM action and possible action behind the rocks. Any woman on Panther wants to see your dick fool. The parking lot is sketchy but beach hookups happen. I hate those jerks on top who would rather jerk in the bushes than talk to an actual hot naked women on the beach. I treated them the same way I treat these current goons. I almost got in fights with them too. This one time at band camp I wrote pervert or something backwards on a dirty rear window. Somehow he knew it was me. HA!
I'm not in the best shape. I get the Senor discount at the dispensary. I'm an old man who thinks young. I'm 35 going for 25's. There's Hef and Larry Flynt. I'm somewhere in the middle but closer to Hef.
So here's the deal. Freedom for me and better orgasms for you in 24 to 48 hours. You can thank me later.

Oops they took the blog to their server a few minutes ago. These MFs dont want you to have good sex just like they don't. I'm not going to download the "update" which made my first phone almost impossible to edit. That's why they put a 2nd .government line on my phone.

My folks bought 2 pair of Everlast boxing gloves while I was in elementary school. Rabbi's orders.

Did you know that besides the long goatee racist sport to identify themselves. They also look older than their real age. Too many bad thoughts I think. Too many negative hormones or something. Did you know how they really) ended the Vietnam war. They dragged enough officers who were sending squads on night patrol in the jungle. I guess I told enough of the military dudes on bikes that word got to Afghanistan. What did Obama recently say on his trip. We are ending nite patrols. Most of us were probably unaware they even did nite patrol there.

When are Obama and Holder gonna figure out that the racist are playing upon their blackman's revenge. Its so frigging obvious! Grow up. You're supposed to be leading the country not destroying over the past. We all including blacks just want the. Government out of our daily lies. April 15th that's what we expect. Of course these racist are fighting to stay out of prison or the public humiliation of the perp walk. I wanna see some scumbag perp walk involving. Gov officials. Wouldn't that be sweet!

Gary Coleman...Randy Savage!

The French translation for the word pail is Seau.