For real?
The real story about Abu Ghraib was not the nude Arab CFNM. It was that they beat at least one guy to death. The CFNM was just a cover up for murder. How many all volunteer army people went to jail while the murderers in your name brought Abu Ghraib home to America?
I see that set up some Jew named Gelman in NYC on 02/13/2011. Only someone who knows they're being framed would even mention being framed.
Nobody wants to believe that there are Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes including most Jews! What kind of karma is there messing with God's Chosen People? Genesis 12:3
Should we ask Hitler's Germany about that?
Every guy on TV now covers his crotch. Believe it or not that has something to do with these homophobe feds and CFNM. It's time to get the white supremacists out of the fed government! As a director I know that they have corrupt feds or military drones just out of camera view. You can see the people looking right and left. Especially minority or liberal speakers. They want them to have shifty eyes so they are not believable. Intimidation on TV equals loss of Free Speech.
The all volunteer Army have all been brainwashed to just obey orders. Even orders to attack America. Abu Ghraib military were just obeying orders from superiors! 11 Army suckers got their lives destroyed by just obeying orders.
Racism hiding behind National Security. Those people on your sound stages are either corrupt feds using a Jewish CFNM porn producer as a Patsy or mindless drones just obeying orders!! Of course insecure men would think CFNM is Gay! Sean and his football. Karl and his eyes!

Geneva Convention anyone? What's the new name for COINTELPRO and why didn't it get stopped after Hoover died?
Larry Craig's of the world need to be exposed. A coup leader is a homophobe trying to hide behind his position/badge! They make minor edits of my posts to make me sound stupid. A word here a letter there.
I was glad to see karma come to Karl Rove on Greta. He helped put these Racist in positions of power. Eyes Karl Eyes.
A Police state is only good for the people at the very top. The rest of you are all being fooled and screwed over. Big Brother is just an incoming phone call away or a word on a sound stage.
If that story out of Pakistan about the fed killing two people is true. That dude is DEAD! Payback is a motherfucker! Saudi Arabia will replace the $ from America!
Watch your FTP! Change that password...I liked the 1st and 4th Amendments didn't you?
"Don't forget our Pay Per View Extravaganza tomorrow for only $4.95." Indica Jones MD
I see that set up some Jew named Gelman in NYC on 02/13/2011. Only someone who knows they're being framed would even mention being framed.
Nobody wants to believe that there are Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes including most Jews! What kind of karma is there messing with God's Chosen People? Genesis 12:3
Should we ask Hitler's Germany about that?
Every guy on TV now covers his crotch. Believe it or not that has something to do with these homophobe feds and CFNM. It's time to get the white supremacists out of the fed government! As a director I know that they have corrupt feds or military drones just out of camera view. You can see the people looking right and left. Especially minority or liberal speakers. They want them to have shifty eyes so they are not believable. Intimidation on TV equals loss of Free Speech.
The all volunteer Army have all been brainwashed to just obey orders. Even orders to attack America. Abu Ghraib military were just obeying orders from superiors! 11 Army suckers got their lives destroyed by just obeying orders.
Racism hiding behind National Security. Those people on your sound stages are either corrupt feds using a Jewish CFNM porn producer as a Patsy or mindless drones just obeying orders!! Of course insecure men would think CFNM is Gay! Sean and his football. Karl and his eyes!

Geneva Convention anyone? What's the new name for COINTELPRO and why didn't it get stopped after Hoover died?
Larry Craig's of the world need to be exposed. A coup leader is a homophobe trying to hide behind his position/badge! They make minor edits of my posts to make me sound stupid. A word here a letter there.
I was glad to see karma come to Karl Rove on Greta. He helped put these Racist in positions of power. Eyes Karl Eyes.
A Police state is only good for the people at the very top. The rest of you are all being fooled and screwed over. Big Brother is just an incoming phone call away or a word on a sound stage.
If that story out of Pakistan about the fed killing two people is true. That dude is DEAD! Payback is a motherfucker! Saudi Arabia will replace the $ from America!
Watch your FTP! Change that password...I liked the 1st and 4th Amendments didn't you?
"Don't forget our Pay Per View Extravaganza tomorrow for only $4.95." Indica Jones MD