Oh Yeah CFNM
If you're only here for the CFNM this

"Wow, Dr. Indica do you have anything a little milder? I would love to bring Cliff in with me for a Milking but I'm afraid he might end up in 48 hour Shit Desperation. Sorry not my cup of tea. I'm a lady and I don't SHIT! I would love to share Cliff's Monster Cock with the world. I would love to bring Cliff and Blue then fuck them either in a Traction Room or on the Outdoor Masturbation Platform. Where's Trip? He's not so angry.
I had another face plant with Rani in my ass with Cliff and his brother Blue the other night. Those ears near my hole make me quiver. I dream of leading Cliff and Blue blindfolded by their monster boners wearing my shiny gold thong. It looks so good with my skin color. So does Cliff he he he" Gwen Now; freed sex slave. "Thank Goodness!" "Why are the Military/MPS and FBI taking over all our sound stages? Military coup with a sociopath at or near the top. That's Why! Our all Volunteer Military has been turned into Mindless Drones who even obey the order to intimidate innocent Americans. I'm a Patsy set up as crazy etc. As long as I'm crazy the coup continues. It's a total misdirection. Pay attention to the crazy guy. Ain't he cute? Don't mind what we're really doing over here. To the honest Feds I'm the world's first Jewish turncoat. I never heard such nonsense! How can anybody believe this? Forged documents! Misinformation! The feds aren't supposed to be such racist traitors?
Insecure guys think CFNM is totally gay. Why else are they on Sensations? I outed or besmirched a very high ranking fed by calling him a homophobe ala Larry Craig and Mark Foley. Those people on your sound stages are Military Drones just obeying orders from a neo-Nazi. Most of them have no idea he wants to be dictator. He's that insane. Edit the Patriot Act to protect innocent America Citizens from illegal domestic spying. It's coming up for review soon.
Action speaks louder than words! Replace all Bush Holdovers including Military Leaders Now before it's too late. Germany in the 30's people. They are going to have to kill me to shut ME up! I pretty sure he just went thru a review of some kind any day starting Jan 22 thru the 24th 2011. Funding? Legal? He dared me to find him well I did.
I convinced Kathy to give me a BJ at the end of Training Day my favorite movie. That Eva is sooo sexy. I wish I could have come when they shot him but hell you can't have everything. Thanks dear" Mr. Casual
"Sorry everybody that Mr. Casual always has the best smoke. I was trippin. Only Assholes get the 48 Hour Shit Desperation Gwen. We would be honored if you brought 2 BBD's to our humble little establishment. I would love to see them using a parachute with weight in our Human Statue Gallery. A no Ejaculation area. How about using our 48 seat stadium? It's much more intimate. Monster cock DP. Nice. A gift for staff and friends perhaps.
By the time the men have run the gauntlet to the front Desk and my Office their penises have shrunk like the waters cold or something. First they start seeing signs saying men must leave the garage naked. 'What are you doing dear?' 'Don't worry hon it will be fun. You love CFNM don't you?' This is the world's first total CFNM Building. Every man is naked except for the Deliverymen. As Sue and her man leave the garage holding hands he sees a big crowd up ahead. There are faces looking out from buildings on all 4 sides. It's a big courtyard. There's some naked men on a platform and one with a long Blue Tail is getting a Handjob while ladies watch. Hundreds of them. It is very quiet. As I pass by I can only hear sounds from the cocks being stroked, some cameras and whispered giggles. 'Ah Sue, I don't want to do that' 'Yes Dear'.
I come out of my Office to greet them. You have a very nice looking husband dear. Can you do a few turns then reach down and grab your ankles. Sue please spread his cheeks for me. 'She touched my damn asshole! Sue?' I really appreciate you bringing him today. Now it's off to the Spa for you buddy. Do you want to go with or take a tour? 'Tour please'. Gwyneth please grab a cock and give Sue a quick tour. "We need one hard yellow tail for a short tour. Please come to the Tour Desk and see Sue."
A short stocky man with an enormous penis and yellow tail soon arrived. He never said a word. Sue you grab his cock and I'll mind his tail. After I had a firm tight grip on his warm hard cock he handed his tail to Gwyneth. She took the tail in her hand stepped behind him and off we went. Sometimes she put it in her mouth. Here let me control him by his tail. I'm trying to convince Dr. Indica to switch to tail control. It's such a powerful feeling to control a naked man through a long soft dildo in his ass. It's like walking a huge angry dog on a leash. A butt leash. LOL
I would love to see Tailwalking through out the Complex. Parades. Dance Floor you name it. I'm into this Tailwalking all the way she declares.
Gwyneth tells me as we arrive back at the Tour Desk; I once tail walked my husband into the living room. He didn't know his aunt Sally and younger sister where in there. He was shocked and tried to run away. My tail bouncing wildly. Come here Louis let me see. Where are you? I want to lead you back for all to see. Open the door now. Sally please. Your tail looks wonderful. We invited Carol and Betty over. They should be here soon. Sally this was supposed to be between me and Gwyneth. I did it for her and found out we both liked it. I know that's why she wanted us to see you. She says it's brought you closer together. Stand up straight and turn around. I won't hurt you I promise. I got to say it feels strange holding a long dildo protruding from my nephew's ass. I like it though. I want to do this with your uncle. Too much information Aunt Sally. OK let's go to the kitchen first. Sally starts guiding me out the bathroom door. It does feel good but it's my freakin aunt. My mom's sister. It's such a pretty tail. You look amazing. It sounds like the other ladies have arrived. Jane guides me toward the living room. Carol and Betty fall off the couch laughing. What is this? He's naked and he's got a tail, Carol screams. Who thought this up? Seeing Carol and Betty causes me to grow hard I must have missed the they've been invited over to witness your humiliation part. Oh man I'm hard in front of my aunt and sister with a huge dildo in my ass. Nice cocks Louis. Carol put my tail in her mouth and started bobbing her head so my tail went in and out. She was fucking my ass with her mouth on my tail! Even Gwyn hasn't done that yet. I gotta make a call. The girls will all want to see this. By the end of the visit there were eight stoned ladies that I knew enjoying me and my tail. They all took turns walking me around the house even around the backyard. Do you want some release hon? Yes please. My aunt grabbed my surging cock. No not you! Carol and Betty. Carol started stroking my aching cock while Betty moved my tail in and out. My crazy sister caught my sperm in her hands while Gwyn squeezed my balls like she knows I like. Everybody including my aunt tasted it. My legs where shaking it was that intense. It was almost Midnight so I had to be walked out to each ladies car by the group. 7 freaking times. My neighbor Virgina came home and Gwyneth called her over. Oh god! Louis what have you be up to? You're naked outside with your wife and her girlfriends do you have your tail in? Let me see it please. Mind if I walk you? Gwyn has been telling me about tail walking you. She promised I could at least watch. Why not everybody else has. After all the ladies had gone Virgina lead me to HER house. She has three 20 something age daughters. My girls deserve to see you. Luckily only 2 where home. The girls seemed more interested in my red spent cock than tail or so I thought. Can I walk him mom can I walk him? OK Amy. Me too mom. You too Mona. That Mona she started twirling my tail like a jump rope. Do they make longer ones she asked? I want to jump rope using your tail. All my cheerleader friends will want to too. I'll try to buy one and we can do it out by our pool real soon. Damn someone just took a cell phone pic. I have no shame left.
Next day I heard very loud music and voices coming from Virgina's house. I didn't really pay it any mind until there was a knock on the door. Hi Mona what's up I said slightly embarrassed. I started to sweat actually. Please come to the pool and show my girlfriends your tail. They don't believe me. I put my wig along with my brand new 5 foot long red tail in my backpack. It's the longest they make and followed Mona home. It wasn't easy for Mona to get my tail in but she did. Rita happened to walk in the house. Mona said be quiet and give me a hand getting his tail in. Imagine coming back from a supposed potty break and controlling a naked man using a long red tail protruding from his ass. The screams and the flashes were enormous. I feel tingly inside. It was fun hanging out naked with my tail with all those coeds. They really appreciated the effort. Amy started working the purple tip of my cock while Mona twirled my tail hard and fast. I couldn't breathe.
Each girl lead me at least once around the pool. As soon as mom Virgina and 3rd sister Dana came home things really took off. See I told you Dana. Virgina finally lead me to the bathroom so I could pee. Boy it was crowded in there. I haven't even done that with Gwyn yet. Virgina beat me off while Mona twirled my tail. Gwyn stopped by too. She likes to see other women humiliate me and make me come.
I rarely miss a day without some woman putting my tail in. I'm one hell of a popular guy for a married man. I now do CFNM Hen Parties. Gwyn is my driver. She will put the tail in if the Birthday Girl refuses. I'm on CraigsList under TailWalker Bob. They can't believe what they are seeing. Some women are so happy that they finally got my tail to stay in place while others fuck the shit out of my asshole for a few minutes. I love the sweet ones more. After walking me around the place the girls all love it and want to try it on their man or book me themselves. A sorority silhouetted me out a front window. There are always more ladies at the end of these parties than when I first arrive. I used to be very shy. Now I get naked with tail whenever asked. I'm addicted. Gwyn is starting to mention fucking me with my new red tail in front of friends and family. She wants my mom and other female family to be there too. I guess my sister couldn't keep a secret. Gwyn confirmed what sis said. He has that tail in whenever he's home. Stop on by anytime. Gwyn keeps mentioning holding auditions for a 2nd TailWalker to be controlled by Virgina. Knowing my Gwyn I don't like the sound of that. Working for Dr. Indica has really changed Gwyneth. I never expected her to bring her work home though.
Oh the Spa... 5 naked men and close to 80 women of all ages, sizes and races. Many hot girls in bikinis. I thought I saw my grandma out of the corner of my eye. Having an audience while being waxed was different and painful. Being ordered to lay on my stomach and have my just waxed asshole cleaned in front of everybody was disgusting and PAINFUL. The things I do for Sue. I was strangely turned on by Janey my Powder Gal. She is a sexy Senor Citizen. Very sweet woman. What a gorgeous smile when I grew hard. She really seemed to appreciate my boner. She had to remind me that we were in a No Ejaculation Area. I would love to be the one to lead you to the Outdoor Platform. Oh God. Do I have to have the tail? Yes dear. It will be fine. I've done it thousands of times. I'm good with both hands. I used to be a nurse. I like my Blue Tails to passionately kiss their wives while I stroke their cocks. That sounds great. I'm beginning to like it here.
I want my husband on that platform with a blue tail. The next time Sue sees her husband he is in Traction having been booked for a 4 hour session. 'I was stupid and let them put me in traction. They said that's what you wanted hon. I thought it would be fun. Now I can't move and every women in the building who has stopped by has commented or laughed. I love a man in traction seems to be the most favorite thing to say. I love Vibe one and beginning Tail insertion. Nice Abs. Nice ass. He's cute. I like to follow them on their walk to the platform. I need to change panties every time I leave here. I got worried when my ass was lifted off the bed and they keep lifting it higher. The Powder girls held up large mirrors so I could see myself. Oy Vey! Man I like CFNM a lot but I don't know if I'm ready for this shit. At least I have pillows under my shoulders. 4 hours! Sue?' 'My husband's tushy is virgin territory. His cock looks so shiny and bright. He smells so clean. That is the cleanest asshole I have ever seen. I like it. Please be gentle' 'What? WHAT? No wait. No no no no Sue Sue Sue.' Please be quiet. We'll start you off small and have you accustomed to your large Blue Tail by the end of your session. Have you decided who will be your first Tailwalker? Yes, Powder Gal Jane. I love her attitude and age. 'I'm so freaked out I don't even notice all the hands on my dick and balls. Oh, now I do. Just go with it dude. I'm glad I took a shit before I left home. I get threatened by a 24 hour Shit Desperation unless I allow the first small vibrator in. I agreed if my Powder Gal Janey put it in. I got hard as soon as I saw her face again. How did you hear about us dear? Windcruzer's CFNM Blog."
Dr. Indica Jones MD Inventor of the Dirty Messy Anal Strap-on! Have a Nice Day.
"Sorry too lazy or stoned to start a 2nd Non-Porn Blog yet if anybody even cares. If anybody wonders where this TailWalking comes from: I got sent a short video on my phone. It was of some guy who was tied up to look like a beatle, shell and all. Now that I think about it he was a turtle. Probably done in Japan San Francisco Kink. You could only see his face and butt. It must have taken hours. I'm glad I took a shit before leaving for the studio Bug thinks. He was hanging from the ceiling with a long Blue Tail coming out of has ass. My carrier flagged the video so it was gone at least to me once I stopped watching it. Freaky stuff. It was a .gif meaning it was made frame by frame. Your tax dollars at work.
Too much info dude. I wonder if the cell flaggers keep copies and posted it somewhere. I'll see if I can contact Trip for ya. He's a fun guy. 'You can't hide your homophobia behind a badge mister, his mom!' Dirty Messy Strap-on are thoughts of revenge!" Windcruzer