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What it is

I am the victim of an Anti-Semitic hate crime hiding behind National Security. I have been framed on 4 or 5 levels that I know about. Old and new Sensations readers must wonder why all the hate against cfnmzone? They have ruined every post starting with the first one. Sorry to everybody I called a shill for another pay site.
It's getting crunch time since I started asking "Where's the Money from my stolen sales going? Heavy push back!

I have been framed as a Jew who's turned against Israel and is helping our enemies. Is that the stupidest thing you've ever heard? Can you believe they think people are going to buy that? I'm framed as some freak's idea of what a pornographer was in the 50's.
These people are so racist and homophobic. Ever since I printed out this homophobia link at my last house somebody has been trying to destroy me. Last line if you're lazy.

A little Truth
What's the new name for COINTELPRO
Fraud of the Loom.
Sarah Palin is right about one thing. No Cajones. Big Brother is only an incoming phone call away right NOW!
blah blah blah!








